
iPhone 4S is the Hottest Thanksgiving Gift

With the approach of Halloween, weather is becoming accumulative cool and the holiday season sounds falling around. One of a big holiday in USA should be Thanksgiving. Each year, giving presents should be one of a part that people used to express appreciation to their love, friends and family. So what are going to be the hottest gifts for 2011 Thanksgiving Day?

iPhone 4S Breaks the Selling Record

As the world's fastest selling piece of electronics, iPhone 4S might be the hottest gift for the Thanksgiving holiday. Just as what it mentioned, it is the most amazing iPhone yet. Although everyone felt little disappointed for its debut, the sales of Apple’s new iPhone 4S have been stunningly good. Reports from the initial weekend are that 4 million units have been sold already. Compared to all previous launches, iPhone 4S has taken the record. And this record is more than double the iPhone 4 launch during its first three days last year. The advance features, unique experience and of course every apple fan's expectation enable iPhone 4S become a sought-after gift.

Android Tablets Become the Top Contender of iPad

It is true that Apple dominates the whole market not matter for tablet or cell phone. But there are actually many other options. For example, Amazon’s Kindle tablet is poised to become the best-selling Android tabletAndroid tablet to date when following its launch later this fall. According to a report from September, Kindle tablet will launch this coming November for $250. It could quickly become the top contender in a market compared to Apple’s iPad.

Android Cell Phones Get Increasing Sales

A new report from GfK states that Android cell phone sales on the globe are on the rise this year. In Q1, Android sales only accounted for 3% of the mobile contract market. Only three months later, that number jumped up to over 13%, nearly a 350% increase. It is clear that the Android revolution is here to stay that they are just wondering how long it will take for a 25 or even 50% market share.

Consumer electronic products are getting more and more prevalent. To most people who have tight budget in the holiday season. It can be nothing more wiser than to browse shopsimple.com for the Thanksgiving gifts. Your Thanksgiving gift will also help you express thanks to your hosts for honoring you in such a special way.

